- 0.6mm市面上最薄
- 三層不鏽鋼製成
- 隨時隨地按情況開關
- 百搭白銀及太空灰
- 5秒高速安裝
- 多種電子產品適用
這次預購活動是 Spy-Fy 品牌商授權 | 獨家預購
不鏽鋼物料, 與各種手提電腦, 電話, 平板等完美連接.
Spyslide®已測試過各大品牌手提電腦, 確保能穩合!
當然,有Webcam的手提電腦. 桌面, 平板, 手機通通行!
一開, 一貼, 5秒安裝完成
Spyslide®現時供有 3 種購買方案
單件Spyslide – 白銀 / 太空灰
兩件裝Spyslide – 白銀 及 太空灰 各一
三件裝Spyslide – 白銀x3 / 太空灰x3
What is Spy-Fy?
Spy-Fy is an innovative company from the Netherlands that believes that the protection of your digital privacy, simplicity, and aesthetics can be a perfect match. That is exactly how our main product, the Spyslide webcam cover, was born.
Why should I cover up my webcam?
We know that people who work a lot on their laptops, tablets or smartphones either for their profession or for any individual click use, would like to have the possibility to be in control of their own digital privacy. Especially amid recent documented webcam hacking incidents. But instead of befouling your beautiful laptop, tablet or smartphone with an ugly post it or sticker, why not use our elegant and much more practical alternative.
Can I still use my webcam if I use your Spyslide webcam cover?
Absolutely! One of the reasons we have developed our Spyslide webcam cover is to make sure that covering up your webcam becomes more practical. Once the Spyslide is applied, you can simply slide the webcam cover open or close to use for Skype or Facetime. It is thin enough (0.6mm / 0.023 inches) to close your laptop once you’re done so you can still take your laptop on the move.
Can the Spyslide damage my laptop, tablet or phone in any way?
Not with normal usage, see our terms and conditions for more information regarding product liability.
Our Spyslide is designed in such a way that it cannot damage your device with normal usage. We extensively tested our product on a large amount of devices over an extensive period of time and no damage has ever been measured. If at any moment you decide to remove the Spyslide from your device, it will not leave any residual or any other harmful substance.
Note however that irresponsible and aggressive removal of the Spyslide may lead to screen damage. Therefore take good care when removing the product. Additionally don’t apply excessive large amounts of force on your closed laptop when a Spyslide is attached. This may lead to touchpad and screen damage due to the force that is being applied. In other words, don’t place heavy products on your closed laptop when the Spyslide is attached. For any questions or concerns regarding usage of our product visit our contact section.
Will the Spyslide fit on my laptop, tablet or smartphone?
Yes it will! When we were in the initial phase of our webcam cover product launch, we visited several large retailers to test whether our product would fit all devices. The result: it does*!
*Smartphones surrounded by non-flat surfaces are incompatible with our Spyslide.
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